26-28 Jun 2019 Bordeaux (France)

Talks (sorted by speaker) > Buttari Alfredo

Parallel QR factorization of block-tridiagonal matrices from Generative Models
Alfredo Buttari  1  , Søren Hauberg, Costy Kodsi@
1 : Institut de recherche en informatique de Toulouse  (IRIT)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR5505
118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9 -  France

This talk presents a parallel method for the QR factorization of block-tridiagonal matrices arising from Generative Models, which are unsupervised learning techniques, where the representation space is endowed with a Riemannian metric in order to preserve the inherent structure of data [1]. In such a setting, geodesics can be employed as measures of similarity and computed through the solution of a non-linear equation where the Jacobian has a block-tridiagonal structure.
The QR factorization of such matrices can only achieve limited parallelism because the blocks along the diagonal have to be reduced sequentially. We will show how a block Nested Dissection permutation can be used to improve parallelism at the price of a higher fill-in and flop count. Achieving a favorable compromise between parallelism and complexity not only depends on an appropriate choice for such permutation but also demands for a careful scheduling of operations which effectively exploits the available concurrency while making good use of data locality and reducing the transient (temporary) fill-in occurring in the course of the factorization.
We will present preliminary results obtained with a shared-memory parallel code relying on OpenMP task parallelism.
[1] Søren Hauberg. "Only Bayes should learn a manifold". 2018.

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