26-28 Jun 2019 Bordeaux (France)


Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest
This workshop is partially carried out with financial support from Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest.
Université de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux
This workshop is partially supported with location granted by the University of Bordeaux.
Bordeaux INP Bordeaux INP
This workshop is partially carried out with financial support from the group of engineer schools Bordeaux INP.
This workshop is partially carried out with financial support from the Laboratoire Bordelais de recherche en Informatique (CNRS UMR5800)
Cluster of Excellence SysNum, IdEx Bordeaux Cluster of Excellence SysNum, IdEx Bordeaux
This workshop is partially carried out with financial support from the French State, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the frame of the "Investments for the future" Programme IdEx Bordeaux - SysNum (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02).”
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